Logo Réseau d'Annie RH

Réseau Annie RH, training and HR experts who actively support the HR community

Who we are

Réseau Annie RH is a great team offering impactful HR and OD training and services .

It’s also a free and effective solution for resolving your day-to-day questions, discussing HR issues, keeping abreast of trends and managing your career.

Training and conferences
Leadership and management
Communication and interpersonal skills
Team building
HR and DO departments
Outsourcing and HR recruitment
Optimizing practices
Cultural evolution
Executive team coaching

Free tools for the HR community – HR Tips

HR Tips Podcast

Tools for managers

and crew

Lives HR tips

Inspiration for HR

Tools HR tips

Sample policies

and templates for HR

Blogs HR tips

Awareness of EDI and

other topics for all

Expert interviews

Audio library

Facebook Group

Exclusive for HR (+ 6000 HR)

Share HR job offers

1 daily e-mail

     Quebec statistics 

Monthly newsletter 


In the media

For over 20 years, the Annie RH Network team has been energizing the HR and business communities. We continually comment on current events in the world of work in the media including for :

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